Fungi / Mushrooms & Fairy Rings

Mushrooms are part of the fungi group. Mushrooms are the fruiting body of the fungus. Although some mushrooms are good to eat and used in food, some are very poisonous. Never eat a mushroom that you find in the woods. Ensure hands are washed thoroughly if handled.

Fun Facts about Fungi


  • The word “fungus” is a Latin word meaning “mushroom”
  • Fungi are part of their own kingdom which is more like the animal kingdom than the plant Kingdom
  • There are estimated 1.5 million species of fungi
  • The top of the mushroom is called a cap and the underside the gills

How are fungi different from plants?
Fungi were once thought of as plants, but they differ in two ways.


  • Fungi cell walls are composed of chitin not cellulose like plants.
  • Fungi do not make their own food through photosynthesis.


Characteristics of Fungi

  • They get their food by decomposing matter or eating off their hosts as parasites.
  • They do not possess chlorophyll like plants.
  • They reproduce through numerous spores rather than pollen, fruit, or seeds.

Fairy Rings

Have you ever stumbled across a perfect ring of mushrooms on your woodland walk. If so, you have found a fairy ring. Fairy rings, which are also known as elf rings or pixie rings, are naturally occurring circles made up of mushrooms. They can vary in size getting larger with age and can grow up to 600 metres in diameter.

The best time of year to see fairy rings is late summer to early autumn, they particularly like wet damp weather. They are caused by an individual fungus growing underground. The fungus sprouts lots of small threads, called mycelium, in a circular shape. A year later, the mushrooms pop up out of the ground at the edge of the circle, creating the fairy ring.

There are lots of mythical stories surrounding fairy rings across Europe. Some cultures believe that they are portals to another world, while others say that the mushrooms are simply used as dinner tables for fairies. There is also the belief that they bring good luck and that they are a sign of a fairy village underground. Another folklore story is that you should never step into a fairy ring, as you may become invisible or become trapped there forever.

Whatever you believe about fairy rings, they are an exciting discovery if you ever find one in the woods. Just make sure you don’t touch the mushrooms, as some can be poisonous.

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